Thursday, April 3, 2014

Trips, School, and Video Games

So remember when I wanted to be 16 and 3 months? Well I'm there and still not driving. Why? Because at the end of the day the last thing I want to do is read about driving. I've also noticed that I'm even more stressed the later in the year it gets, stupid school.

Oh but my trip is only four weeks away, which means only three more weeks of school for me! And I'll be in Rome! I'm so excited about Rome, but who wouldn't be? I'll also rant about how awesome shopping for the trip is, I love clothes.

So lately I've been back into story based games especially Resonance of Fate. Then I found out that the confusing story in Resonance of Fate had a manga based off it, well that just made matters worse. The manga was two volumes long and went by the Japanese name End of Eternity (honestly I like the Japanese name better.) and it covered maybe one chapter of the game, but it was good and cleared up most of my confusion with the game.

Okay, later Geekites.