Friday, December 13, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Yep, that's me, sixteen as of a couple days ago. Honestly I thought there'd be something much more flashy for my sweet sixteen, like my parents telling me that I was born with strange super powers that have been repressed somehow, or that they're not my real parents and my alien parents will come get me soon, or I get hit with something radioactive and get powers, or I get wings, or I figure out I have an uncanny ability to handle a weapon.
Honestly my actual birthday was just me doing  a bunch of baking for my party and then I watched the end of the first season of Attack on Titan. It wasn't a bad day just kind of lame for a sixteenth birthday.
However boring yesterday was though, today made up for it. I had reserved a room at my church and set up two X-Box 360s with two copies of Halo 4 and we just went at it. After the first few rounds we watched Advent Children then we played a few more rounds, then we took a brake from that and played card games, then we went back and finished Advent Children, then we played more Halo 4 and Black Ops 2, then we watched RWBY vol. 1. We spent ten hours doing all this, my party was from noon to ten and it was awesome.
I won't lie, the presents my friends got me were also pretty good, eater I'm easy to shop for or they just know me really well. Anyway I also took this chance to give them all their gifts which they all seemed to like (If you follow my craft blog you pretty much saw what I gave them). I really like giving gifts at Christmas. I really like giving gifts period.
So today was a good day, as I passed into my sixteenth year epicly surrounded by friends.
I'll tell you this, readers, No matter what, always keep your friends close. I went through a really tough period in my life where friends were rare and far in between just because I live in the middle on nowhere (You're thinking, oh boo-hoo she had no friends, how sad. Well you don't get it. I had the games, books, crafts every kid wanted but it's no fun to be a geek alone). So I really cherish the friends and the friendships I have now because I know what it's like without them.

Thanks For Reading my Ramblings :)

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