Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hello All, I'm the Empress

Hello all, I'm the Empress of the geeks. It's a self proclaimed position, however it carries a lot of weight. It means that I must, in order to keep you up to date on all the coolest stuff, keep on top of all geek trends. I must also, as the Empress, be an ambassador to those who have not as of yet experienced the awesomeness of being a geek, continue to share facts and trends in a manor understandable to the ordinary/ casual reader.

I look forward to loosing many hours of sleep trolling the internet so that you may know all the coolest stuff going on as a geek, so that you know the 411 on what to read, watch, listen to, give your kids, and so on.

As you can see this blog is broken into nine sections so that you can quickly find what you're looking for. This blog is what I like to think of as the root blog. Where I will vent my frustrations, excitement, and anything else I think of.

So a little about me:
Age: Almost 16
Hight: 5'1
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Popcorn
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Religion: Christian
Grade: 10th
Best Subject: Law
Worst Subject: Spelling
School: Home Schooled

So as you probably have detected I have no self image issues, seeing as I proclaimed myself empress. My hobbies are blogging, cross stitching, knitting, reading, watching anime, reading comics, reading manga, playing video games, watching anime with subtitles, watching dubbed anime, cleaning my room in order to not do homework, singing, playing guitar, writing, playing piano, sewing, jewelry making, running the projectors at my youth group, listening to audio books, perfecting the skill of multitasking, calligraphy, archery (I was doing it long before Katness was even an idea), baking, and learning new crafts.

My favorite superheros are Hawk Eye (both of them but I really like Kate Bishop, she's awesome) and green arrow. I enjoy watching Smallville (yeah I'm behind the trend, what can I say, I only recently became old enough to watch it, plus there's so many other things to watch) Alias, Arrow, Beast King, Avatar the Last Air Bender, Korra, Naruto, Sword Art Online, Fairy Tale, and other stuff like that.

The best video game consoles are X-boxes, however I won't get the X-box One because a. it's n ot reverse compatible and b. because there are so many games out for the 360 I haven't played yet that I want to it'd be real waste to just go on to the next console.

I'm a Halo 4 freak. I play online all the time, my other favorites include FF XIII and Resonance of Fate.

Oh and finally I tend to go on tangents, so bare with me I'll try to keep the tangent rampages to a minimum.

So, I look forward to blogging for you.

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