Friday, December 13, 2013

Sweet Sixteen

Yep, that's me, sixteen as of a couple days ago. Honestly I thought there'd be something much more flashy for my sweet sixteen, like my parents telling me that I was born with strange super powers that have been repressed somehow, or that they're not my real parents and my alien parents will come get me soon, or I get hit with something radioactive and get powers, or I get wings, or I figure out I have an uncanny ability to handle a weapon.
Honestly my actual birthday was just me doing  a bunch of baking for my party and then I watched the end of the first season of Attack on Titan. It wasn't a bad day just kind of lame for a sixteenth birthday.
However boring yesterday was though, today made up for it. I had reserved a room at my church and set up two X-Box 360s with two copies of Halo 4 and we just went at it. After the first few rounds we watched Advent Children then we played a few more rounds, then we took a brake from that and played card games, then we went back and finished Advent Children, then we played more Halo 4 and Black Ops 2, then we watched RWBY vol. 1. We spent ten hours doing all this, my party was from noon to ten and it was awesome.
I won't lie, the presents my friends got me were also pretty good, eater I'm easy to shop for or they just know me really well. Anyway I also took this chance to give them all their gifts which they all seemed to like (If you follow my craft blog you pretty much saw what I gave them). I really like giving gifts at Christmas. I really like giving gifts period.
So today was a good day, as I passed into my sixteenth year epicly surrounded by friends.
I'll tell you this, readers, No matter what, always keep your friends close. I went through a really tough period in my life where friends were rare and far in between just because I live in the middle on nowhere (You're thinking, oh boo-hoo she had no friends, how sad. Well you don't get it. I had the games, books, crafts every kid wanted but it's no fun to be a geek alone). So I really cherish the friends and the friendships I have now because I know what it's like without them.

Thanks For Reading my Ramblings :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Killer Kandy Land

I had a science class where we were all given water bottles and snacks after we finished our midterms. I noticed that the caps are smaller, as we all know it's because its environmentally friendly, or so they'd have us believe. Here is my way of seeing it: Smaller caps= happy environmental freaks + spending less on the plastic to make the bottles.

The second thing I thought of was: Candy Canes. Candy canes are yummy, and they can be sharpened to a point, it could really hurt someone. So on that train of thought I thought of manga and how cool a story that would be where we use candy as weapons. If I was to write a manga like that I'd call it Killer Kandy Land and as you can imagine it'd be based off the candy land game. It'd be about a world where the Ice Cream Princess would be a spoiled brat girl she'd be about 12 and she'd fight with an icicle as a sword and she has the power to freeze what ever she wants. There'd be a Lollipop King who'd be about 20 and like what you'd expect a manga prince to look like and he acts like an air head but he actually has a better understanding of the world then anyone else, and though he acts clueless if you get him angry he becomes scary and awesome. Then there'd be the Peanut Brittle lady who is really old and also she can see into the future. Then finally there'd be a man named Black, he would be the leader of the Black Licorice Gang. He'd be all cool and awesome, obviously dark, and about 20. But he wouldn't be the bad guy.
So the beginning of the story would be a girl from our world, she'd be about 16 who ends up in Kandy Land. Obviously it'd start out strangely, but the gist of the story would be that the Peanut Brittle lady would have foretold of a strange girl from another universe. So the whole thing would be like: If you marry her you'd have good fortune, if you killed her you'd have her power, if you drank her blood you'd live for 10,000 years, but if you drink her blood after she dies you would die immediately
So she falls into the world then goes under the care of the lollipop king then somehow is attacked and then is wondering and meets Black who can tell she's different. He takes her under his care and starts to protect her. He doesn't know why he wants to protect her though. Then he'd find out why people are trying to kill her. Then he realizes that he doesn't want any of that to happen tho her. Obviously he loves her but he doesn't want her to think that she just wants the power. So he starts to act colder to her then before.
Along the way we learn that she has a great power besides her blood, she can summon the Kandy Cane. The kandy Cane would be a scythe and a sword that you'd grip in the middle. It's a totally awesome idea in my head and now on this blog.
It'd be cool if I ever met someone who'd let me write the story that they'd animate. I would really love that. It's like my dream job.
You see I'm going to be a lawyer and I think that it's a really cool job and I won't hate it. But writing is my life. I love it, but not just anyone can become a writer and even less can become a manga writer, and even less then that are American manga writers.
It makes me really sad to think about the statistics and how small the opportunity actually is for my dreams to come true, but someday maybe I'll actually get to write.
I really have no drawing potential at all. All I can draw are the heads and shoulders of an anime/ manga character, but that doesn't stop me form practicing all the time.
Isn't it funny I love to write, I'd even call it my passion, but I can't spell. Spelling is like impossible for me. If I didn't have spell check I doubt anyone would ever understand what I was trying to say.
Anyhow I've meandered on for long enough so, later.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Even I Need to Leave the House

So for those of you that don't know homeschooling is another way of saying you can work at your won pace. while my pace is remarkably faster then most students, my sisters never seem to be done. I'm the oldest, I do the most work, I get good grades, there is no reason my sisters shouldn't be done right? They just don't seem to get that their inadequacies in school effect and bother me. You have no clue what a pain it is to sit there the night before you want to do something doing all of tomorrow's work only to have your efforts be in vain because your sisters can't manage to do the little work that they're expected to do well or in a timely manor.

So on top of the fact that you're sisters are incapable of doing homework, imagine that you're also looking really cute and your hair is falling just right and your makeup is just the right shade and you're looking forward to doing a little shopping, when you can't leave because your sisters haven't done their work. You're sisters who are perfectly old enough to stay home alone for a couple of hours need to be babysat and have someone looking over their shoulder because they don't know how to study.

Literally every day my sister who is a teenager has to have her lessons read to her. Because reading is so taxing on the mind. It's history, you just do it. It's not like its new information history has been history since it's happened, after the sixth grade all history is, is review.

So let's just say I can't reach 16 and 3 months fast enough. Because as soon as that age hits I'm ready to go where I want when I want. (That's not as rebellious as it sounds, I really just mean I want to leave my house at some point)

I don't know the frustration could be just be because I've been home for five days...scratch that. It's definitely because they're incapable. So now I look amazing, had all my homework done by 11 am, and am mad.(just in case you couldn't tell already) It doesn't help that I've had so much time on my hands lately that I finished two Star Wars: Legacy of the Force books in two days. I mean that goes from being a geek to just being pitiable.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Marvel Vs. Dc

Okay, I'll say it outright Marvel is better then DC but just so you can see the difference I'll share this essay that I wrote for school a year ago.

BTW I've totally read that ^ comic.

Every little boy and some little girls want to become a superhero, having beyond human abilities. Children (and some adults) are able to live vicariously through comics. D.C. and Marvel are the most popular companies that produce comics, they both have an extensive hero index. Many people claim that they prefer Marvel over D.C., but due to recent revamps that could change.
            Marvel has often been the favorite of the older crowd due to its humanistic take on heroes. It would be impossible to find a Marvel hero without a fatal flaw. D.C. on the other hand has, for quite some time, treated its heroes as gods, and they even have titles reflecting that very point.
            It is believed that Marvel is more popular with the older kids because of its verity of teen heroes. With Marvel it does not feel like you teen hero teams are being cast out of a mold, they’re all unlike with there own strengths and weaknesses. When you read D.C. you feel as though you’re hearing the same story over again they even lack the individuality to create new team names, there are the Teen Titans, Teen Titans East, the New Teen Titans, then the Teen Titans again at a later generation. You can almost always depend that a Teen Titan teem will have a former robin leading it, a super boy, and a speedster. Marvel has the Runaways, the Young Avengers, and the X-men, all the heroes of these teams are different and new.
            When it comes to choosing a universe with the most likable single characters it is the new 52 by D.C. Of all the hundreds of heroes D.C. has done a phenomenal job in bringing back the Red Robin in a wonderful way, he is now an ex-protje of Batman, the new Batman comics make you fall in love with the new Robin who is Batman’s son, and the Blue Beetle has an especially interesting comic series with a wonderful plot. D.C. has a few good stand alone heroes such as Wolverine but most of the heroes are on a team and only operate in a team setting this is not what you want to read all the time.

            So Marvel and D.C. have there strong points, and with the recent revisions in D.C. it is quite possible that D.C. will be just as much respected as Marvel, and perhaps one day they will be more so.

So that is an A+ paper right there.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hello All, I'm the Empress

Hello all, I'm the Empress of the geeks. It's a self proclaimed position, however it carries a lot of weight. It means that I must, in order to keep you up to date on all the coolest stuff, keep on top of all geek trends. I must also, as the Empress, be an ambassador to those who have not as of yet experienced the awesomeness of being a geek, continue to share facts and trends in a manor understandable to the ordinary/ casual reader.

I look forward to loosing many hours of sleep trolling the internet so that you may know all the coolest stuff going on as a geek, so that you know the 411 on what to read, watch, listen to, give your kids, and so on.

As you can see this blog is broken into nine sections so that you can quickly find what you're looking for. This blog is what I like to think of as the root blog. Where I will vent my frustrations, excitement, and anything else I think of.

So a little about me:
Age: Almost 16
Hight: 5'1
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Popcorn
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Religion: Christian
Grade: 10th
Best Subject: Law
Worst Subject: Spelling
School: Home Schooled

So as you probably have detected I have no self image issues, seeing as I proclaimed myself empress. My hobbies are blogging, cross stitching, knitting, reading, watching anime, reading comics, reading manga, playing video games, watching anime with subtitles, watching dubbed anime, cleaning my room in order to not do homework, singing, playing guitar, writing, playing piano, sewing, jewelry making, running the projectors at my youth group, listening to audio books, perfecting the skill of multitasking, calligraphy, archery (I was doing it long before Katness was even an idea), baking, and learning new crafts.

My favorite superheros are Hawk Eye (both of them but I really like Kate Bishop, she's awesome) and green arrow. I enjoy watching Smallville (yeah I'm behind the trend, what can I say, I only recently became old enough to watch it, plus there's so many other things to watch) Alias, Arrow, Beast King, Avatar the Last Air Bender, Korra, Naruto, Sword Art Online, Fairy Tale, and other stuff like that.

The best video game consoles are X-boxes, however I won't get the X-box One because a. it's n ot reverse compatible and b. because there are so many games out for the 360 I haven't played yet that I want to it'd be real waste to just go on to the next console.

I'm a Halo 4 freak. I play online all the time, my other favorites include FF XIII and Resonance of Fate.

Oh and finally I tend to go on tangents, so bare with me I'll try to keep the tangent rampages to a minimum.

So, I look forward to blogging for you.